• ilmoadabfoundation@yahoo.com
  • 9326337875
  • Bhiwandi, Maharashtra

About Our NGO

About Us

The team, led by Mohammad Fazil Ansari, has been dedicated to various social initiatives for the past 20-25 years. They have been actively involved in a wide range of fields, including medical aid, food distribution, education, and more. Initially, they worked without any formal recognition, quietly serving the community. However, as more and more people joined their cause, they decided to establish a platform from which all these efforts could be coordinated. It was at this point that they founded the NGO under the name 'ILM-O-ADAB FOUNDATION.'

Under the banner of the NGO, their first event is scheduled for October 31st. This event is a Mushaira, a poetic gathering, dedicated to commemorating Indira Gandhi's Martyrdom."

Message From Chairman

Mohammad Fazil Ansari

Mohammad Fazil Ansari, is not only a dedicated leader but also holds significant positions in other notable organizations. He serves as the National Working President of the All India Muslim OBC Organization, playing a pivotal role in connecting government schemes to the people they are intended for.

Furthermore, Mohammad Fazil Ansari is the State General Secretary of the Maulana Azad Vichar Manch and has previously held the position of Secretary at the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee. His extensive experience also includes being a former Education Committee Member of the Municipal Corporation in Bhiwandi.

Currently, he is an active member of the Indian National Congress, where he continues to work tirelessly for the betterment of our society.

Under his guidance, our NGO is dedicated to the cause of serving the community and ensuring that essential support and resources reach those in need. Together, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of many.



Our Core Social Works

ILM-O-ADAB Foundation is committed to uplifting communities through its core social initiatives. Explore our areas of impact.

Medical Aid

Access to Quality Healthcare

ILM-O-ADAB Foundation operates a dispensary and provides essential medical care to underserved communities.

Food Distribution

Fighting Hunger

We distribute food to those in need, and our goal is to expand this initiative to reach more people, including in Mumbai.

Education Support

Empowering through Education

We offer scholarships to those in need, career counseling, and a focus on promoting Urdu language and literature.

Literature Promotion

Celebrating Urdu Language

We focus on promoting Urdu language and literature, including hosting cultural events like Mushaira.